Health Center and Maternity of Touba Kolong

- Completed project -

  • Sector: Health and Occupation

  • Location: Tuba Kolong, Upper Niumi, North Bank (The Gambia)

The union of UNOMÁSUNO+ and the Dutch NGO FUTURE4ALL has led to the birth of a new project: the expansion of the Health Center of Touba Kolong and the construction of a maternity wing for the town itself and for others in the Upper Niumi area (North Bank, The Gambia).

The work of the two organizations is supported by the Government of The Gambia, which aims to reduce the maternal mortality rate (number of women dying during pregnancy and childbirth) which is currently 430 women per 100,000 live births . These results are among the 25 highest maternal mortality rates in the world according to data from the World Bank in 2013.

The intention of this project is to carry out the construction of the infrastructures (2016-2017) and then, within a year, to transfer them little by little to the community, while the Ministry of Health of The Gambia provides doctors and nurses.

The Ministry of Health has already sent Health personnel for the provision of outpatient care after the supply of medicines by UNOMÁSUNO+ and FUTURE4ALL. In this way the population of Tuba Kolong can be assisted in the most professional way possible.

We can also celebrate that the works of the Maternity are already finished and its is ready to start the operation of the center.

The Maternity is also a Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health. With this project we intend to train mostly the young people of the Upper Niumi area (North Bank) in the care of their sexual health, family planning, respect for women and the practice of female genital mutilation or ablation.