- Completed projects -

  • Sector: Agriculture, Education, Empowerment, Social Economy and Occupation

  • Location: Tuba Kolong, Upper Niumi (The Gambia)

SOM UN BLOC is the sum of several projects originated from EL CASAL School, Castellar del Vallès (Barcelona), fruit of the desire to be coherent with its main educational value: To provide the whole world with the possibility of living a dignifying life.

Hence, from SOM UN BLOC, dozens of awareness-raising and fundraising initiatives have been promoted in order to drive the maximum exponent of the micro-projects proposed by UNOMÁSUNO +: Tuba Kolong's garden.

The Touba Kolong garden project was born in 2006 with the aim of promoting the agricultural development of the women of the Toubakolong Women's Kambeng Kafoo association and, by extension, of the whole town of Touba Kolong.

The orchard has 6 hectares of cultivated land and some of the actions of UNOMÁSUNO + have been:

- Repair and improvement of wells

- Acquisition and installation of a generator and a water extraction pump

- Construction of a 15 m3 water tank, the construction of a water distribution network for irrigation all over  the cultivation area

- Construction of a metal protective fence 2 meters high along the entire perimeter of the garden

- Construction of two 20 m2 sheds for the storage and protection of crops, tools and machinery.

- Installation of solar panels for the operation of the generator and the water extraction pump

- Training in agricultural techniques and trade for women in the Kambeng Kafoo cooperative.

More than 8 years later, we have reaped the fruits of our joint effort, SOM UN BLOC and UNOMÁSUNO + have seen how more than 200 women work daily in the garden of Touba Kolong, self-supplying their food needs and selling their surplus. Not less than 10 people depend on each of these women, especially children, being more than 2,000 people now who enjoy more dignified living conditions thanks to the SOM UN BLOC project.